Mystical Numerology

Numerology for the 21st Century

Posts Tagged ‘Pragmatic or Practical Energy’

Month 11: September 27 → October 24, 2011

Posted by mysticnumbers on September 21, 2011

Mystical Numerology uses a 13-month calendar that begins on December 20 each year. The resulting 13 months are almost uniformly 28-day months in a non-leap year. We move into Month 11 on Tuesday, September 27. It will last through Monday, October 24.

This month takes on the energy of the “11.” I call it the month of “Manifestation and Outreach.” 

Remember also that 2011 is the 11th year of the new century. So, even though it is a “4” year (2+0+1+1 = 4), it also carries an “11” energy as a secondary vibration. This will reinforce the power of this 28-day period.

Mystical: The “11” is considered a Master Number. Its energy connects the Center with the Up Above, and is the connection with Universal Love, Cosmic Law, Divine Truth, and Higher Vision. In an “11” month, consider that the center of your being is connected with a supreme consciousness that takes many names in many different religious traditions. In this period, you will find that you are more open to intuitive consciousness. Open your inner eyes and you can more easily be a “seer” this month.

“11” is also the power of sound and manifestation – which are related. When the Christian Bible says, “In beginning was the word …” that is the first sound from which all was created. Pay attention to how you work with sound, song and words to create your reality this month. We are, as the Australian aborigines say, continuallysinging ourselves into existence.

Practical: “11” is the number of the Inspirer, Healer, Connector, Teacher, Reformer and Change Agent. It is inspiration that can be brought to the people. It brings the energy that changes things, often in dramatic ways.

Relationships are in the spotlight this month even more than normal. “11” is the energy to reach out to others and lend a hand; the energy of compassion and giving of yourself to make a difference in the lives of others – including through volunteerism, and charity.

An “11” month can be a difficult energy. You may find yourself taken off-guard and being pulled forward kicking and screaming over a cliff so that you can learn to fly, learn to step fully into your power and be all that you can be. This can also happen on a collective level, particularly since “11” is the energy of collective outcomes, and things coming to critical mass. It is the energy of change being inevitable because the pendulum has swung as far in one direction as it can possibly go.

This is a month when personal freedom for you and individual freedom for others is highlighted. In the long run, this is a good thing since it provides forward acceleration along the path of life. But, it is not a time for timidity.

Interestingly, “11” is the number of “statehood” which is much in the news – especially with the Arab spring uprisings transforming and shaking things up in the Middle East, most notably in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and Syria. Now, the Palestinians are petitioning the U.N. for statehood. Expect this to continue in the news this month. Remember, 2011 is also the 11th year of the new century.

Other “11” energies in the realm of government, politics and the economy include: political power, political leaders, business leaders, domestic affairs, public policy, monetary policy, material advancement vs. financial crisis, republicanism, social responsibility vs. pro-business policies, power plays, human rights, democratization, the United Nations and issues affecting world civilization. Watch for some or all of these to be in the news this month.

The experience of being in an “11” month can be like walking the tightrope or high wire without a net, or kayaking through intense white-water rapids. It can be exhilarating, but it also requires heightened awareness to maintain balance. Things can shift and change in the twinkling of an eye. Indeed, “11” is the energy of sudden, unexpected events that can be totally life-changing. You have to stay flexible. If the Spirit of Life knocks you off your feet this month, it is telling you to open to deeper levels of inner guidance and inspiration and move forward. The alternative is to shut down and turn off. As Charles Dubois once said, “The most important thing is this: To be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become.” So, strap on your seat belt, hang on, and enjoy the ride.

It is the number of “manifestation.” An “11” month can bring greater abundance and prosperity. More generally, it is about manifesting anything in your life. Pay particular attention to the connection between thought patterns, strongly-held intentions, the words you use, and what shows up in your life this month. Pay attention to how this is affecting us on the collective level of the economy, government, international events, and even natural phenomena such as weather patterns, earthquakes and so on.

“11” is the number of “sound” and the musician. As noted above, the aborigines of Australiasay that we are singing ourselves into existence. My wife, Jeanne White Eagle, and I use sound in our daily lives to clear obstacles, do healing, and also to attract and manifest resources. We have many stories about its effectiveness. Try it. The use of spontaneous sound may also help you manifest what you desire. For more information check out this link:

This is the month to integrate the use of spontaneous sound into your life or your healing practice.

International Day of the Song: This month, on 11-October-2011 at 11:00AM local time everywhere around the world, small groups of people will be gathering to sing a spontaneous song. The intention is to use a wave of sound circling the planet to raise the vibration and help shift consciousness. You can participate from wherever you are by simply creating a spontaneous song using vowel sounds instead of words in connection with a melody made up in the moment, sung without thinking but invested with the energy of love. For more information, see Jeanne White Eagle’s invitation on YouTube at: . EVERYONE CAN DO IT! Please share this event with your friends.

Downside: All numbers have both positive sides, and negative or shadow sides. With the “11,” the downside can be deep. The “11” energy can make you excitable, impractical, superficial and self-indulgent. It brings a connection with a deeper level of guidance but people are not always conscious of it. What they are receiving on an inner level can create a sense of foreboding or pessimism. Watch out for this.

It can also bring out righteous and elitist behavior, and people acting as if they know more than someone else. These are actually protective behaviors in that both pessimism and righteousness or elitism shut down a part of the personality and insulate it from receiving guidance.

Mayan Correspondence: “11” is called “Imox,” the energy of the Seer andHealer. Imox puts the mind in a receptive mode, increases spiritual strength, and helps to manage the energies of change. It provides the power to understand nature’s messages in order to plan the next steps in one’s life.

Related Reading: This month emphasizes the “11” energy aspect for 2011. You may find the 2011 overview to be interesting reading. Click on “Year Energy” in the left-hand column of categories.

15 Universal Month

The Universal Month is calculated by adding the “11” Month to the “4” Year (2011 = 2+0+1+1 = 4).

This “15” month works well with the “11” energy because it highlights psychic abilities, clairvoyance, instinctive knowing. It also strengthens healing ability. This is a good period to find a healer, get that nagging physical issue attended to, or get some bodywork done.

The “15” energy connects the head and heart. So, if your mind and feelings are out of balance – such as thinking one thing and feeling another, or saying things that are out of integrity with how you really are feeling – well, expect a reckoning this month. (That probably goes double for politicians and pundits).

In a similar fashion, your ability to be a good judge and make good choices are enhanced this month.

“15” is the power to work selflessly for the collective good of the people. It is the number of businessmen and women, and of administrators. It tends to bring a pragmatic energy, and emphasize the functionality or practical utility in things, and how to apply something on a practical level. So, it is a period during which events and outcomes will lean toward what is considered traditional – whatever that is, these days.

The “15” nature of the month prompts us to seek out friends who are steadfast, supportive, and optimistic – maybe because we’re going to need them close by.

Downside: The downside can make this a 28-day period that brings fragmentation and displacement, causing apprehension, and exasperation. It can bring economic upheaval … but it is also the energy of turning points. It is a period for cynics, especially since corruption and unscrupulous behaviors will be on stage for everyone to see – even more than is normal. People may get the feeling that things are pointless and just tune out and switch off.

Mayan Correspondence: The “15” is called “Kan,” the serpent, the kundalini energy. It is the energy that gives the power to continue to move forward even in the face of adversity. Kan feeds knowledge, intelligence and strength.

Guidance about the coming month: People who have not yet felt the acceleration in both energy and events will have no doubt that something out of the ordinary is happening by the end of this month. Humanity is being prepared for the global mind shift. An aspect of this is that no longer will it be possible for individuals to sit “on the fence” as idle onlookers. People will have to decide whether to open up to higher and higher levels of energy, guidance and inspiration, or to go into resistance and lock down into fear. People will have to choose to be open-hearted or closed down and shut off. Which will you choose to be?

Copyright © 2011, John B. Pehrson

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