Mystical Numerology

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Posts Tagged ‘May 2013’

Day Energies for May 2013

Posted by mysticnumbers on April 30, 2013

Creation Force

Note: You can receive the Energy Reading for each Day in your e-mail inbox each morning. It’s easy. All you have to do is click on the “Sign me up!” button in the right corner and follow the directions.

Wednesday, 1-May: May Day. [K’iche Mayan Day – 5 Batz; Universal Day – 32/5]: Today’s energy opens a window in time. It allows you to use the original wisdom that threads itself throughout history to have a powerful impact on the future. Be creative! Plant good seeds.

Downside: Don’t let old habits dictate your actions today. Do something to break free.

Quote for the day: Habit is habit and not to be flung out of the window by any man [or woman], but coaxed downstairs a step at a time. ~Mark Twain~

Thursday, 2-May: [K’iche Mayan Day – 6 E; Universal Day – 33/6]: This is a great day to connect with others. It supports people skills, the ability to inspire confidence, and giving something back to the community in gratitude. A great day for facilitators and social workers.

Downside: If you are keeping secrets, today is the day the mask may come off.

Quote for the day: Fashion is the science of appearances, and it inspires one with the desire to seem rather than to be.  ~Michel de Montaigne~

Friday, 3-May: [K’iche Mayan Day – 7 Aj; Universal Day – 34/7]: The energy of the day produces steadiness and drive. It improves the ability to remember things, so it is a good day to learn something new. It is also connected with abundance and spiritual power.

Downside: You might feel a little defiant and inflexible. Guard against making foolish mistakes.

Quote for the day: What is important is to keep learning, to enjoy challenge, and to tolerate ambiguity. In the end there are no certain answers.  ~Martina Horner~

Saturday, 4-May: [K’iche Mayan Day – 8 Ix; Universal Day – 35/8]: Today brings a special power to change negative aspects, and solve problems. This is done through the power of love and faith. Pay particular attention to the words you speak for they have lots of power today!

Downside: You can feel unusual, unfocused or a little weird. Watch out for self-promoting people who are full of bravado and bluster.

Quote for the day: A spoken word is not a sparrow. Once it flies out, you can’t catch it. ~Russian Proverb~

Sunday, 5-May: Cinco de Mayo. [K’iche Mayan Day – 9 Tzikin; Universal Day – 36/9]: Today is about the richness of the earth and, particularly, the flow of prosperity. Use the energy to ask for personal or community abundance, or to ask for love and partnership. Then, open to receive!

Downside: Don’t let people take advantage of your good nature today. And, guard against brash, egoistic hard-asses and bigots.

Quote for the day: Love much. Earth has enough of bitter in it. ~Ella Wheeler Wilcox~

Monday, 6-May: [K’iche Mayan Day – 10 Ajmaq; Universal Day – 37/10]: Take a risk today. Let go of any old hurts or resentments that may be buried under the surface. It’s time to forgive; time to shift how you see the world. It is the day to awaken to your true potential.

Downside: You can feel adrift, inhibited and unable to let go of old judgments. As much as possible, fill your heart with love. This is the way out.

Quote for the day: One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: That word is love.  ~Sophocles~

Tuesday, 7-May: [K’iche Mayan Day – 11 Noj; Universal Day – 38/11]: Today is a good day to ask questions. It favors people who are explorers & discoverers. You can turn knowledge and experience into wisdom today, especially in reaching out to others, being an advocate or teacher.

Downside: Expect the unexpected. Things can go off the rails today, and you can make blunders. Remember that tomorrow is another day!

Quote for the day: Mistakes are the portals of discovery. ~James Joyce~

Wednesday, 8-May: [K’iche Mayan Day – 12 Tijax; Universal Day – 39/12]: Today is a gateway to spiritual liberation. It brings the potential for harmonizing the mental emotional, physical and spiritual bodies. Be faithful to your inner guidance and you can achieve unexpected results.

Downside: Disagreements can get a little crazy, get out of control and turn violent.

Quote for the day: Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. ~Mahatma Gandhi~

Thursday, 9-May: Month 6 Begins. Solar Eclipse 8:25P EDT. New Moon in Taurus. [K’iche Mayan Day – 13 Kawoq; Universal Day – 13]: An expansive energy that highlights the strength found in unity. It supports family, friends, and group relationships. Look for common ground. And, as much as possible, stay focused in the “now” moment. … A sudden revelation is possible.

Downside: You might feel aimless or uncertain about your direction. Family issues can come up to be solved.

Quote for the day: You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment. Fools stand on their island of opportunities and look toward another land. There is no other land; there is no other life but this.  ~Henry Daid Thoreau~

Friday, 10-May: [K’iche Mayan Day – 1 Ajpu; Universal Day – 14]: Ancient wisdom and genetic memory combine today to bring mental clarity. It is a good day for planning and goal-setting. The day also strengthens creativity. It supports artists and efforts to beautify your surroundings.

Downside: Feeling isolated and being withdrawn are part of the shadow energy for the day.

Quote for the day: Creativity can solve almost any problem. The creative act, the defeat of habit by originality, overcomes everything.  ~George Lois~

Saturday, 11-May: [K’iche Mayan Day – 2 Imox; Universal Day – 15]: Today’s energy strengthens psychic abilities and healing abilities, but also urge for pragmatic, practical action. So, listen to your inner guidance, and then take action on what you receive. … A good day to see a healer. 

Downside: Being inattentive, overly analytical, or feeling a creative block.

Quote for the day: Through faith man experiences the meaning of the world; through action he is to give to it meaning. ~Leo Braeck~

Sunday, 12-May: Mother’s Day. [K’iche Mayan Day – 3 Iq; Universal Day – 16]: This is a powerful day for fundamental change and renewal. Sometimes this energy shakes up your life to bring unanticipated changes and put you on the path to new growth. Ask Spirit to be gentle with you. 

Downside: Feeling introverted, constricted, and experiencing issues that seem irresolvable.

Quote for the day: All things must change to something new, to something strange. ~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow~

Monday, 13-May: [K’iche Mayan Day – 4 Aqabal; Universal Day – 17]: Today gives new beginnings a boost. A great day to take action on new projects or ventures. Be enterprising! Positive action is rewarded with success. This is also a good day for relationships and dialogue.

Downside: You may encounter people who are shallow & small-minded or rude & argumentative.

Quote for the day: Let us watch well our beginnings, and results will manage themselves. ~Alexander Clark~

Tuesday, 14-May: [K’iche Mayan Day – 5 Kat; Universal Day – 18]: Emotional and mental well-being are priorities today. It is a good day to eliminate negative energy and influences from your life, loosen ties to any vices you may still have, and fix emotional or romantic problems.

Downside: Stubbornness, self-justification, mistrustfulness and fear.

Quote for the day: Don’t find fault; find a remedy. ~Henry Ford~

Wednesday, 15-May: Shavuot begins. [K’iche Mayan Day – 6 Kan; Universal Day – 19]: The energy of the day activates your inner fire, sexuality and life force. It feeds knowledge, intelligence and strength. It prompts you to move forward to take care of duties and accomplish goals.

Downside: Avoid conflict today. The energy can quickly get out of hand.

Quote for the day: We only know of one duty, and that is to love. ~Albert Camus~

Thursday, 16-May: [K’iche Mayan Day – 7 Keme; Universal Day – 20]: The connection with your invisible guardians is strong today. Today’s energy will help you to deal with any problem head on. It is also good day to ask for healing – particularly of serious illnesses.

Downside: Doubts and uncertainties may arise, and you can feel alone, confused, and at a dead end. It will pass.

Quote for the day: The more severe the pain or illness, the more severe will be the necessary changes. These may involve breaking bad habits, or acquiring some new and better ones. ~Peter McWilliams~

Friday, 17-May: [K’iche Mayan Day – 8 Kej; Universal Day – 21]: You are more in touch with your soul’s purpose today. Move forward with courage. This is a good day for professionals in the material, cultural or spiritual worlds. It is a good day to find a new job or improve your work situation.

Downside: Make sure that you don’t overstep your boundaries today and trample on others.

Quote for the day:  The only true happiness comes from squandering ourselves for a purpose. ~William Cowper~

Saturday, 18-May: [K’iche Mayan Day – 9 Qanil; Universal Day – 22]: Energy flows into the earth and gets anchored today. This is the day to plant new seeds, act on a new idea, begin a new love relationship, or win back something you’ve lost. Putting love in service to others wins the day!

Downside: Internal systems get rewired and rebooted today. You can feel blah & mopey, or feel like you are in free-fall.

Quote for the day: The end of all education should surely be service to others. ~Cesar E. Chavez~

Sunday, 19-May: Pentecost. Global Peace Meditation & Prayer Day. [K’iche Mayan Day – 10 Toj; Universal Day – 23/5]: The energy today is connected with karma, the law of cause and effect. It is a day to give thanks to the Creator for all of your blessings, and make amends for any misdeeds.

Downside: Issues that arise may be connected with past deeds. It is a good day to do a simple ceremony to clear away negativity.

Quote for the day: Life is a perpetual instruction in cause and effect. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

Monday, 20-May: [K’iche Mayan Day – 11 Tzi; Universal Day – 24/6]: Today highlights the law. It is a good day to deal with legal issues, be an advocate for others, and speak truth to authority. Today is also about cultivating love. So, whatever you do, do it with love.

Downside: Guard against being cynical and gloomy today. Rather, see through the eyes of love.

Quote for the day: So act that your principle of action might safely be made a law for the whole world. ~Immanuel Kant~

Tuesday, 21-May: Sun enters Gemini. [K’iche Mayan Day – 12 Batz; Universal Day – 25/7]: Stretch out your senses and you will feel a connectedness with all things that promotes oneness and unity. It’s a good day for marriage, to put things in order, or do some planning for the future.

Downside: You might feel judgmental, out of sorts and a little bitchy over things you perceive to be stupid, out of integrity, or just untrue.

Quote for the day: Tug on anything at all and you’ll find it connected to everything else in the universe. ~John Muir~

Wednesday, 22-May: [K’iche Mayan Day – 13 E; Universal Day – 26/8]: Today energizes your life path. It is an upbeat, dynamic and potentially magical day. It is a very good day for communications, negotiations, deepening relationships, or signing contracts. A great day to travel.

Downside: Guard against feelings of weakness, or getting caught in a swirl of chaos.

Quote for the day: Increase your personal power through positive and powerful communication. Recognize and eliminate negative self-talk. ~Caterina Rando~

Thursday, 23-May: [K’iche Mayan Day – 1 Aj; Universal Day – 27/9]: You may feel a strong empathic connection with other people today. It is a day of power that adds energy to dreams, and brings good harvests and the fruits of past efforts. Make sure you are open to receive what life wants to give you!

Downside: Demanding and/or crooked people may attempt to take advantage of you today.

Quote for the day: It is like the seed put in the soil – the more one sows, the greater the harvest. ~Orison Swett Marden~

Friday, 24-May: [K’iche Mayan Day – 2 Ix; Universal Day – 28/10]: Sensitivity merges with clarity making this a good day for relationships. An earthiness and connection to earth’s richness and treasures also makes this an auspicious day to work with finances and create abundance.

Downside: Feeling like you’ve hit a low point, or feeling bored; or being envious of or complaining about others.

Quote for the day: Clarity of mind means clarity of passion, too; this is why a great and clear mind loves ardently and sees distinctly what it loves. ~Blaise Pascal~

Saturday, 25-May: Lunar Eclipse, 12:10A EDT. Full Moon in Sagittarius. [K’iche Mayan Day – 3 Tzikin; Universal Day – 29/11]: A powerful lunar eclipse lends extra energy to dreams & intuition. It is a good day to take action, but it is important not to push too hard. Let your actions be guided by your natural inclinations and inner knowing.

Downside: Do your best to stay in a place of openness, innocence and trust despite people or events that seek to move you off your path.

Quote for the day: Personal happiness lies in knowing that life is not a checklist of acquisition or achievement. Your qualifications are not your life. ~J. K. Rowling~

Sunday, 26-May: [K’iche Mayan Day – 4 Ajmaq; Universal Day – 30/3]: Today’s energy helps you get to the root of things. It is a good day for growth, change, and sociability. It is also the energy of humor and happiness. Take time to have a good laugh with a friend!

Downside: Anger and guilt can bubble up to the surface today. Watch out for mood swings.

Quote for the day: Laughter is the closest distance between two people. ~Victor Borge~

Monday, 27-May: Memorial Day. [K’iche Mayan Day – 5 Noj; Universal Day – 31/4]: This is a day of high knowledge that supports discoverers, explorers and scientists. It brings the power to create order out of chaos, and make innovations on a practical level. If you get stuck, sing!

Downside: Check things twice to avoid making mistakes today. You may also feel fearful, off-balance, and jealous of others. 

Quote for the day: A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song. ~Chinese Proverb~

Tuesday, 28-May: [K’iche Mayan Day – 6 Tijax; Universal Day – 32/5]: The energy of the day pits freedom, change and spontaneity against limitations and boundaries. It is a good day to let go of whatever is holding you back. Friends, family and relationships may be in the spotlight today.

Downside: If the energy gets too one-sided, turns negative, or gets heated, stop. Find your balance. Do a simple clearing ceremony with sage or sound.

Quote for the day: A human being has a natural desire to have more of a good thing than he needs. ~Mark Twain~

Wednesday, 29-May: [K’iche Mayan Day – 7 Kawoq; Universal Day – 33/6]: Today is about expansion; dreaming the big dream. It also urges you to remember that your power begins with the family and, by extension, the community that is able to “see” you for who you are. Do something special for them today, if you can.

Downside: Avoidance issues can arise, like avoiding people and issues that require your attention.

Quote for the day: I dream, therefore I become. ~Cheryl Renée Grossman~

Thursday, 30-May: [K’iche Mayan Day – 8 Ajpu; Universal Day – 34/7]: Today brings steadiness, drive and clarity. It is a good time to do some planning, set some goals, or learn something new that will stretch your mind. … There is also an underlying romantic energy to the day! J

Downside: Guard against apathy and malaise or, alternately, getting too “far out” and looking foolish.

Quote for the day: Concern should drive us into action and not into depression. ~Karen Horney~

Friday, 31-May: [K’iche Mayan Day – 9 Imox; Universal Day – 35/8]: The limbic system is active today which means that your mind is more easily put into a receptive mode. It’s a good day to receive insights, advise a friend, share with others, do some writing, and have a few laughs.

Downside: You may want to impose your ideas on someone else. Don’t. And, avoid people who try to do the same to you!

Quote for the day: Parents can only advise their children or point them in the right direction. Ultimately, people shape their own characters. ~Anne Frank~

Copyright © April, 2013 – John B. Pehrson

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