Mystical Numerology

Numerology for the 21st Century

Day Energies for June 2013

Posted by mysticnumbers on May 29, 2013

Horse with Flying ManeNoteYou can receive the Energy Reading and Quote for the Day in your e-mail inbox each morning. It’s easy. All you have to do is click on the “Sign me up!” button in the right corner and follow the directions. (…a small $2/mo donation is suggested to support this work…)

 Saturday, 1-June: [K’iche Mayan Day – 10 Iq; Universal Day – 36/9]: An easygoing, loveable “hummingbird” energy is at odds with an inner urge for change that pushes the limits today. Mind your intuition! Something is coming to fullness like a rosebud opening & blooming.

Downside: Don’t let the energy of change prompt you to be foolhardy, misguided or tempted to alienate others.

Quote for the day: Trust each other again and again. When the trust level gets high enough, people transcend apparent limits, discovering new and awesome abilities for which they were previously unaware. ~David Armistead~

Sunday, 2-June: [K’iche Mayan Day – 11 Aqabal; Universal Day – 37/10]: Opportunity through change is the energy of the day. Make a life change, take a risk, break your normal routine and do something different. This can also be an outgoing, even romantic day!

Downside: Do your best not to hurry, get harried or be too hasty. Guard against others’ mischief.

Quote for the day: We all have big changes in our lives that are more or less a second chance. ~Harrison Ford~

Monday, 3-June: [K’iche Mayan Day – 12 Kat; Universal Day – 38/11]: This is a good day for one-on-one contacts, for reaching out to help someone, and for finding teaching moments. It is also a good day to unravel difficult problems, reconcile differences, and eliminate negativity.

Downside: Annoying and difficult encounters and events can occur today. Avoid entanglements.

Quote for the day: By learning you will teach; by teaching you will lean. ~Latin Proverb~

Tuesday, 4-June: Full Moon, Partial Lunar Eclipse. [K’iche Mayan Day – 13 Kan; Universal Day – 39/12]: The underlying current today is a powerful feminine energy. It can be used in social work or community work; or for couples or partners to work out differences. Kundalini energy, which activates the life force and sexual energy, may be strong today.  

Downside: Use today’s energy to jump hurdles and overcome obstacles but be careful not to overstep your boundaries.

Quote for the day: We are the living links in a life force that moves and plays around and through us, binding the deepest soils with the farthest stars.  ~Alan Chadwick~

Wednesday, 5-June: [K’iche Mayan Day – 1 Keme; Universal Day – 40/4]: This is a day to call upon the wisdom of the ancestors … and then pay attention to dreams, daydreams, inner guidance and visions. You may receive information or insight that you can put to practical use.

Downside: If you feel flighty, lost, unsure, or like you are in free-fall today, it is part of the day’s energy.

Quote for the day: The end of wisdom is to dream high enough to lose the dream in the seeking of it.  ~William Faulkner~

Thursday, 6-June: Month 7 Begins. [K’iche Mayan Day – 2 Kej; Universal Day – 14]: Today’s energy brings the potential for deep connection, cooperativity and balance. Stretch out your feelings to connect with your surroundings. Movement is important, so get up and get going! 

Downside: Pessimism, or feeling withdrawn, exhausted and actionless are all energies that live in today’s shadow.

Quote for the day: The only thing that will redeem mankind is cooperation.  ~Bertrand Russell~

Friday, 7-June: [K’iche Mayan Day – 3 Qanil; Universal Day – 15]: Today is infused with a sense of belonging to the greater whole. It is about social interaction, building consensus, and nurturing things that are in the early stage of growth – children, relationships, ideas, new projects, etc.

Downside: You may feel unmotivated and inattentive; or you can be too analytical and over-think things. If this happens, take a break. Watch something funny. Be with friends. Go have a laugh!

Quote for the day: Nurture your mind with great thoughts; to believe in the heroic makes heroes. ~Benjamin Disraeli~

Saturday, 8-June: [K’iche Mayan Day – 4 Toj; Universal Day – 16]: Take time today to say thank-you to the Creator for all of your many blessings. This is a day of power and possibilities. If you are contemplating making changes in your life, this is an ideal day to begin. New frontiers await!

Downside: Something fundamental may be shifting for you, and this may cause you to feel uncommunicative. Be patient and gentle with yourself.

Quote for the day: Where there is an open mind there will always be a frontier. ~Charles F. Kettering~

Sunday, 9-June: [K’iche Mayan Day – 5 Tzi; Universal Day – 17]: An underlying energy promotes togetherness. It is an ideal day to bring people together for a healing process, or for dialogue and the exchange of ideas – especially about issues of relationship, and personal or social justice.

Downside: Guard against narrowness, shallowness or, alternately, hyperrationality.

Quote for the day: Justice does not come from the outside. It comes from inner peace. ~Barbara Hall~

Monday, 10-June: Children’s Day. [K’iche Mayan Day – 6 Batz; Universal Day – 18]: Today’s energy brings resourcefulness and persistence. What you accomplish today will ripple outward across time to affect the future. Conceptualize uplifting ideas; plant seeds of hope.

Downside: Just when you wanted to get into action, you might have to deal with niggling details. You may also have to stand your ground for something you believe.

Quote for the day: Energy and persistence conquer all things. ~Benjamin Franklin~

Tuesday, 11-June: [K’iche Mayan Day – 7 E; Universal Day – 19]: Today’s events may help you remember who you really are, and where your power really comes from. This is a good day to ask Spirit to remove obstacles from your path so you can step fully into your own gift.

Downside: Power and control issues may come to the surface. Don’t let others bully you.

Quote for the day: To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift. ~Steve Prefontaine~

Wednesday, 12-June: [K’iche Mayan Day – 8 Aj; Universal Day – 20]: A day of great power. It is a time to notice that an invisible force is guiding your actions. It can be a day of abundance, rebirth and renewal when doubts are cleared away.

Downside: Inner “stuff” may need to be processed and released, so the day may not be all fun and games.

Quote for the day: Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goal. ~Hannah More~

Thursday, 13-June: [K’iche Mayan Day – 9 Ix; Universal Day – 21]: Patience, astuteness and action combine with openness to inner guidance. Dreams may come to fruition today. It is also a good day to reconsider your path in life, reformulate a strategy and make course corrections.

Downside: Today is a time of expansion but its energy can also bring sudden changes.

Quote for the day: The key to realizing a dream is to focus not on success but significance – and then even the small steps and little victories along your path will take on greater meaning. ~Oprah Winfrey~

Friday, 14-June: U.S. Flag Day. [K’iche Mayan Day – 10 Tzikin; Universal Day – 22]: Today is about the richness of the earth, and the flow of abundance and prosperity into and through your life. It is a day for putting love in service to others – family, friends, community and the world.

Downside: Today’s energy can cause you to be ungrounded; it can create myopia, and highlight deficiencies.

Quote for the day: If you stop to be kind, you must swerve often from your path. ~Mary Webb~

Saturday, 15-June: [K’iche Mayan Day – 11 Ajmaq; Universal Day – 23/5]: Family and friends are in the spotlight again today. It is a time for working together – especially in common cause for the common good. It is a good day to reconcile differences and leave behind inner baggage.

Downside: You may be impulsive and find it difficult to focus; things can get a little chaotic.

Quote for the day: There is no higher religion than human service. To work for the common good is the greatest creed. ~Woodrow Wilson~

Sunday, 16-June: [K’iche Mayan Day – 12 Noj; Universal Day – 24/6]: This is a great day for nourishing the mind, making discoveries and experiencing breakthroughs. Your intuition is in synch with instinctual drives. Relationships & people may also take center stage today.

Downside: A day of polarities; the highs can feel stimulating and happy but the lows can feel like riding a roller coaster.

Quote for the day: We are here to change the world with small acts of thoughtfulness done daily rather than with one great breakthrough. ~Ravvi Harold Kushner~

Monday, 17-June: Father’s Day. [K’iche Mayan Day – 13 Tijax; Universal Day – 25/7]: Consider your life. What is working? Keep those things and build on them. What is not working? Let go of these – habits, relationships, old outlook, etc. Today is the time to start something fresh and new.

Downside: Whatever is out of balance or karmic can come to surface to be recognized, processed and let go.

Quote for the day: Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself. Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them – every day begin the task anew. ~Saint Francis de Sales~

Tuesday, 18-June: [K’iche Mayan Day – 1 Kawoq; Universal Day – 26/8]: An active day that is good for achieving practical results. It supports leaders, guides, managers, negotiators, coaches, teams, and writers. Happiness and optimism make this a good day for socializing – and romance.

Downside: Personal identity issues and inner conflicts can arise, bringing worry & self-judgment. Don’t let it drag you into despair.

Quote for the day: Passion is universal humanity. Without it religion, history, art, and romance would be useless. ~Honore de Balzac~

Wednesday, 19-June: New Moon in Gemini. [K’iche Mayan Day – 2 Ajpu; Universal Day – 27/9]: Mental clarity makes this a good day to make decisions. Take action to make your dreams a concrete reality. It is also a day of harvesting the rewards for your past efforts.

Downside: You might find hurdles in your path today – just so you realize that you have the strength to jump them.

Quote for the day: The universe will reward you for taking risks on its behalf. ~Shakti Gawain~

Thursday, 20-June: [K’iche Mayan Day – 3 Imox; Universal Day – 28/10]: Today supports healers and wisdom people. It is a day of outcomes. Something is being completed today and you are stepping up to a new level. Take some time to stop and consider what is emerging.

Downside: You can feel bogged down, tangled up and energetically blocked today.

Quote for the day: Man, unlike any other thing organic or inorganic in the universe, grows beyond his work, walks up the stairs of his concepts, emerges ahead of his accomplishments. ~John Steinbeck~

Friday, 21-June: Summer Solstice. [K’iche Mayan Day – 4 Iq; Universal Day – 29/11]: Today is a high-energy day infused with the energy of vitality that gives life and promotes intuition. It is an auspicious time to focus your intention and attention to manifest your needs and desires.

Downside: Today brings the energy of tornadoes and hurricanes. It can shake things up as it brings the potential for renewal.

Quote for the day: Vitality shows in not only the ability to persist but the ability to start over. ~F. Scott Fitzgerald~

Saturday, 22-June: [K’iche Mayan Day – 5 Aqabal; Universal Day – 30/3]: A day for movement, expansion and growth. It brings an urge for relationships. it can be a time of greater joy, expression and sociability. It can be a day of creative awakening, or a return to your roots.

Downside: Don’t take things too seriously. Watch out for anger issues and feelings of guilt. Do your best not to be passive-aggressive with those you love.

Quote for the day: It is also helpful to realize that this very body that we have, that’s sitting right here right now … with its aches and its pleasures … is exactly what we need to be fully human, fully awake, fully alive. ~Pema Chodron~

Sunday, 23-June: [K’iche Mayan Day – 6 Kat; Universal Day – 31/4]: A good day to innovate on a practical level. This is the best day to ask for abundance, and then take at least one practical step to create it or draw it to you. … It is also a good day to resolve difficult issues.

Downside: You can feel fearful, off-balance, jealous or even betrayed. Guard against fights with hotheads, or making silly mistakes.

Quote for the day: I kept praying to God to win the lottery. Finally God said to me, “Help me out; buy a lottery ticket!” ~Anonymous~

Monday, 24-June: [K’iche Mayan Day – 7 Kan; Universal Day – 32/5]: An erotic, Goddess energy pushes you forward on your sacred journey today, and helps to overcome any obstacles. It is a good day for increasing physical strength, developing your inner fire, and for evolving spiritually.

Downside: Life can give you a sudden jolt to help you break free of old habits. You may feel a little confused, weary and fragile today.

Quote for the day: A morning-glory at my window satisfies me more than the metaphysics of books. ~Walt Whitman~

Tuesday, 25-June: [K’iche Mayan Day – 8 Keme; Universal Day – 33/6]: Today brings a heightened ability to receive insight, gain access to spiritual knowledge, see the way forward, and apply what you learn. What you do today can influence outcomes by helping to shape events.

Downside: You might find yourself avoiding something that has to get done. Watch out that you don’t get too serious about things today.

Quote for the day: I decided that it was not wisdom that enabled poets to write their poetry, but a kind of instinct or inspiration, such as you find in seers and prophets … ~Socrates~

Wednesday, 26-June: [K’iche Mayan Day – 9 Kej; Universal Day – 34/7]: The day adds balance and forward momentum to your actions. So, move forward with steadiness and drive. This is a great day to find a job, improve your working conditions, or prospect for new clients.

Downside: There can be a modest tendency to become foolish, illogical or defiant.

Quote for the day: The world is wide, and I will not waste my life in friction when it could be turned into momentum. ~Frances Willard~

Thursday, 27-June: [K’iche Mayan Day – 10 Qanil; Universal Day – 35/8]: Today is about creation, seeding new life, and the possibility for miracles. It is the best day to begin something new. It is also about achieving success by exercising power with others and not over others.

Downside: If you are not in balance, today’s energy can cause you to be unfocused and to act in unusual ways. Guard against people who are self-promoting, coercive, and devious.

Quote for the day: When we do the best that we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another. ~Helen Keller~

Friday, 28-June: [K’iche Mayan Day – 11 Toj; Universal Day – 36/9]: You are connected with all things through the web-of-life today. Take a moment to feel your connection. Then, say a prayer of thankfulness for all of your blessings.

Downside: If you lose your center today, you can feel very unconnected and alienated.

Quote for the day: Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself. ~Chief Seattle~

Saturday, 29-June: [K’iche Mayan Day – 12 Tzi; Universal Day – 37/10]: A good day to make decisions and ask for help – especially on issues of personal justice. There is an outgoing energy that makes it a good day to be with friends and family.

Downside: You can experience roadblocks today. Don’t be hasty. Avoid discord, if possible.

Quote for the day: In the affairs of life, social as well as political, courtesies of a small and trivial character are the ones which strike deepest to the grateful and appreciating heart. ~Henry Clay~

Sunday, 30-June: [K’iche Mayan Day – 13 Batz; Universal Day – 38/11]: Power & action connect you with inspiration that can benefit others today, particularly in one-on-one contacts. Consider what you have to share with others, and be attentive to opportunities to teach.

Downside: You may have to deal with annoying and difficult issues and people today. You might also feel a little “naughty” – not always a bad thing.

Quote for the day: A teacher affects eternity; he [or she] can never tell where his [or her] influence stops. ~Henry Adams~


Copyright © May, 2013 – John B. Pehrson


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